Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hand Feeding your Koi

Hand Feeding your Koi

Hand Feeding your Koi
By Brett Fogle

One of the most rewarding and entertaining things about having a

Koi pond is when your fish finally start eating out of your hand.

There is no better way to learn each fishes' personality and

temprament than to have them nuzzle your fingers when they are


The key to training your Koi to eat from your hand is patience

and conditioning. Like any wild animal Koi have a natural

distrust for anything that they think can hurth them, and you're

plenty big enough to do that as far as they are concerned.

If your goal is hand feeding then you need to start training from

the very first time that you feed a new fish. Of course, it's not

too late to start training your existing fish, but it's easier if

you start out that way.

If you have been feeding your fish by simply broadcasting the

food on top of the water then stop doing that immediately.

Instead, bring your feed bag next to the pond and kneel down.

Then, place a few pellets in your hand, submerge your hand, and

let the pellets slowly fall out. Don't worry if your fish seem to

not be paying attention. They know that your hand is in the water

and they know that pellets just appeared out of nowhere.

Eventually one or two will swim up and eat. When that happens,

the rest of them will follow. Continue slowly dropping pellets

from your hand until you have fed your normal amount. Repeat that

process for about a week.

The following week, set up as you did last week, but this time

submerge your hand and hold the pellets in your slightly cupped

palm. Hold your hand steady and don't make any movements.

Eventually at least one fish should come over and eat from your

hand. It is essential that you do not make any quick movements

while this is happening. Remove your empty hand and repeat the

process. If the fish will not approach your hand to feed, then do

not fedd them that day. They won't starve to death, believe me,

and they will be a little bit more likely to eat form your hand

the next time that you offer them food.

Once you have them to the point that they will eat form your

palm, it is time to teach them to take the food directly from

your finger tips. Simply grasp a pellet, submerge your hand, and

wait untilt he boldest fish approaches. Once he eats the others

will follow. If they don't you know what do to. Justfeed the ones

that will eat from your hand and let the others miss a meal.

Hunger is a great motivator for Koi...

Once you have your Koi eating out of your hands you can alternate

between normal feeding and hand feeding for those times when

you're in a rush and just can't sit down and enjoy your fish.

Brett Fogle is the owner of MacArthur Water Gardens and several
pond-related websites including and He also publishes a free monthly
newsletter called PondStuff! with a reader circulation of over
9,000 pond owners. To sign up for the free newsletter and
receive a complimentary 'New Pond Owners Guide' for joining,
just visit MacArthur Water Gardens by clicking the link above.
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