Thursday, January 29, 2015

My Kitchen Garden

My Kitchen Garden

My Kitchen Garden
By Deekshikka Ashok

A day in my garden has always been beautiful and quiet. I have always been a nature lover and will always be so for the rest of my life. God's prettiest creations are here only for us to enjoy and get the most out of it. To me, nature and its beauty start right from our kitchen garden!

To make it more pleasant and healthy, human beings should start cultivating more and more of healthy fruits and vegetable sin their own kitchen garden. So that, they can reap the maximum benefits out of it.

To start off with, the basic necessity vegetables like onions, tomatoes, coriander and curry leaves should be cultivated. Making gardening as a hobby rather than a passion is important for Indians. We must start loving plants and be friendly to nature right from our kitchen garden. Only this will prevent people from going for deforestation and things like that.

By cultivating more plants in our garden, we can not only use it for our daily cooking but also, inspire many of our neighbors to do the same and thus help the country being kept green. This is also very important to make sure that our next generation lives happily and healthy without any water scarcity. Planting is not only a hobby for most of the women, but it is also a very good physical exercise as it involves huge efforts.

Watering plants will also make sure your mind is active and aware that the plants wait for you every day in the morning and evening. There are people who even talk to plants and nurture them. Some even say plants react to people's emotions. According to me, your garden is the most soulful place in your house. It has emotions, feelings, soul and happiness.

Birds flock together every day at your garden and chirp at your trees and take back the waste you throw back at your kitchen as their food. You start watering plants and keep them fresh, so the birds also get a life from your garden. They stay and build nests and fertile their gender. This brings the utmost joy for one self. What more will you need when there is healthy and calm surrounding with greener life around you. You can make sure; you stay fit and healthy only with these signs of nurture.

With this note, I think I have made myself clear that all of us, should start planting trees and make our environment a better place to stay in. So do not wait anymore, start cultivating this habit and teach your children to follow the same.

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