Saturday, September 12, 2015

How to Care for Orchids Indoors

How to Care for Orchids Indoors

How to Care for Orchids Indoors
By Kovera Artem

It is commonly known that orchid flowers are very beautiful and extremely various. Tropical orchids are cultivated as home plants all over the world, and their popularity is growing constantly.

Orchid biology is often wonderful and tricky in some places. The orchids are so responsive to the care that they may be compared with animals. As only careful parents can manage to grow good children, good plant growing requires careful grower. At the same time looking after orchids such as Phalaenopsis, Paphiopedilum, Cymbidium and some other species does not require a lot of specific care compared to other flowers growing indoors.

If you are wandering how to care for orchids, firstly you should pay attention to a biology of a particular orchid genus you will grow. All orchids have some similarities, but also there are a lot of differences among different species. For example, many orchids have a rest period, when they should be watered much rarely and kept at lower temperature. Dendrochilums have a rest period from April to September, while other species are resting in autumn or winter. At the same time there are orchid species which don't have any rest period. All of them require uniform watering through all year. Also different indoor orchids grow best at different temperatures. There are "warm", "moderate" and "cool" orchids.

By applying some techniques you can, for example, get an orchid to bloom again. At the same time there are orchids which will be reblooming naturally every season.

Different orchid species have different ways of propagation. Usually orchids can be easily propagated by division, when they are large enough. Other methods of propagation are not so common, and usually require additional care and sometimes even lab equipment.

First people trying to grow orchids had a lot of trouble, because they usually tried to cultivate orchids in pots with a soil. Most of the orchids with beautiful flowers are epiphytic, this means they grow at trees, but they are not parasitic. They only use a tree as a support to grow on it. That is way most house orchids have to be grown not in pots with a soil. They should be grown in pots filled with substances such as a bark and a moss. Different substances have different amount of nutrients, and different capability of water retention, so how often an orchid should be watered and fed depends on a substance.

If you want to know more about how to care for orchids you can visit our website

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