Weed Control Methods
By Peter Van Smith
Controlling weeds is perhaps the most difficult thing, sometimes the most obnoxious species of weeds need attention and caution while uprooting or killing them.
There are two methods by which weeds can be uprooted ie. Chemical controls and by manual removing of weeds
Manual uprooting of weeds is extremely difficult and it would be unfair to say that it can completely be eliminated from the roots.
Another method is Chemical Control-Herbicides are most commonly used to manage land and water plants. It is apparently the only and best possible method of completely removing the weeds from the roots. Many variety of herbicides are available in the market that can be used to treat the simplest kind of weed to the harshest ones. These chemicals are often easy to apply and can be done as prescribed on its leaflet.
Another advantage is that you can remotely or conservatively use it as per your need and depending on the nature of the weed that needs to be treated. However, its treatment involves lot of implications as one needs to keep in mind the aquatic species that thrive inside the pond as they could get affected if too much quantity of chemical is applied.
Water treated with herbicides can have water use restrictions depending on the specific application.
Herbicide treatment should be undertaken in presence of some expert practitioner or field expert to ensure optimal results.
Some of the Common Aquatic Plant Herbicides can be notified as follows:
Harvester, Fluridone Aquacide Pellets, Cutrine Plus, Shore Klear, Aquathol Super K and Hydrothol are the most common treatment options.
Fluridone and Aquacide Pellets are two of the safest herbicides to be used in fish ponds. Shore Klear is best known for control of majority of weeds like cattail, rushes, reeds, smartweeds, and in floating plants like water lily and lotus. This chemical is usually applied to the plant directly and not to the water. Aquacide Pellets work great for Milfoil, Coontail, and all other broadleaf weeds.
Other chemicals or herbicides like Diquat are most effective in treating emergent weeds. One needs to wait for a period of 14-days or so before this treated water can be used for livestock consumption, drinking or crop irrigation.
It's extremely imperative to know what the most suitable time for its application is:
First when the weeds are actively growing, during early spring, when the water is cool and at the time when the decaying of weeds is very slow.
Typically, treating on a calm sunny morning works ideal.
Accurate application rates will ensure optimal results, not cost more than necessary and will keep the ecosystem safe.
For pond owners, weeds can be quite a problem. If you are looking for effective weed control methods, help is at hand. At Aquacide, we offer products which help Pond owners to effectively control weeds..
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Peter_Van_Smith/2090111
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