Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Aquaponics Supplies - Grow Media

Aquaponics Supplies - Grow Media

Aquaponics Supplies - Grow Media
By Paul Luciw

Aquaponics systems can be categorized two different ways. Those system which do not utilize some sort of grow media and those which require it. A good example of a type of design which uses this type of material is the flood and drain system. In this type of system the roots of the plants are immersed in a grow media consisting of material such as gravel or porous clay pellets. The water from the fish tank is cycled in and out the media providing the plants with nutrients. Choosing the most appropriate media for this type of system is important. There are many varieties of media to consider each with their own benefits and drawbacks. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the grow media for your grow tanks:

How porous is the material - This property is important with regards to water retention. This is important because you want to maintain a good level of nutrients for your plants to feed on during the entire flood and drain cycle. A certain amount of water must be retained in the media during the drain part of the cycle for this to occur. Man made porous clay pellets are the best choice for this.

Weight - This factor will be evident when you combine the water with grow media in the grow tank. If the combination of the is to heavy for the tank undue stress will make the structure unstable. A light weight media is recommended, unless your tank is designed to handle material such as gravel.

PH effect on the water - The water in your hydroponics system must maintain a certain level of pH. Some types of material will affect this over time as they erode.

Choosing the correct aquaponics supplies for your is system is important if want to keep you system operating with the proper balance. How you choose your grow media is part of this. Of course the aquaponics supplies you choose will be determined by cost and availability.

Best Regards

Consider using this to resource to help you understand more about aquaponics supplies and grow media. Click " aquaponics supplies " to visit.

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