How to Grow a Pea Eggplant
By Shayne Coleman
There are many types of eggplants and they come in a wide variety of different colors such as purple, orange, white, or streaked. They can be cylindrical, peak-shaped and have a wide variety of different tastes. Pea eggplants are very small and they look like green peas, hence their name. They tend to cluster in groups of 10 to fifteen eggplants. These eggplants have a rich strong eggplant taste. They are useful in stir-fry dishes, for pickling, in curries, and in soups. These eggplants are quick growing and they can add variety to any meal.
Steps To Grow Pea Eggplants
Step One
To grow eggplants you need a good hot summer and then need plenty of drainage and hot sunlight. They like the humid and hot days more than other vegetables. Since they are small they are quick to grow with about 10 weeks until harvest time. Once they are ripe the yield tons of fruit. The more sunshine and hot weather you have the better these planets will grow.
Start indoors about 6-8 weeks before you plan to plant them outside. Start the seeds inside as direct seeding in the ground isn't recommended. You can do this if you have temperature above freezing all year. The seedlings suffer shock when transplanted so use small 2-4 inch containers. Put about 2-3 seeds in each tray. A room temperature of at least 72�F is ideal. Use a sunny window or plant lights once they begin growing.
Step Two
You can grow this type of eggplant in a pot if you wish but be sure you have a good potting mix. Prepare the soil before you plant the eggplant seedlings. Plant your seedlings before the hot weather sets in so they will have time to grow. You should use some manure in the soil for fertilizer before you plant the seeds. If you have acidic soil use dolomite or lime for a dressing and then add potash which will encourage your eggplants to flower. Make sure they can get 6-8 hours of sunlight each day for optimal growth.
Step Three
As the fruit grows be sure to water the plants at regular intervals so they will keep growing through the autumn as well. Trim back large clusters of ripe fruit as the eggplants will start to weight the plants down once they have enough fruit on them. Cut the stem so it's short and watch out for the sharp spines on the leaves. Cover plants at night if it gets cool and then take this off once the sun comes out again. Use insecticide to control pests.
Step Four
Don't leave your pea eggplants on the plants for too long as they will go brown and die. You want a shiny, glossy fruit that is soft when pressed. This tells you that the plant is ready for harvesting. Eat the eggplant within one week as they won't keep nay longer in the refrigerator. Enjoy your eggplant in a wide variety of dishes.
Please visit home vegetables blog to learn more information about growing vegetables and gardening tips. Additionally, there is a useful gardening ebook that you can download it for free.
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