Saturday, November 17, 2012

Composting Garbage Into Organic Gold

Composting Garbage Into Organic Gold

Composting Garbage Into Organic Gold
By Chris Downs

If you eat organic vegetables, grow some of your own food, or if you want to, this article is for you.

Compost is considered "Black Gold" when it is grown organically. Nothing is better for your food or this planet than recycling right at the site of use. The question is do you know how to do it properly? In this article, we will show you what to place into your compost bin, what type of compost bin will work for you, then, we will share how to use that "Black Gold" to provide nutrients to your plants and garden.

One of the first things you need to know is

  • "What" do you place in your compost bin. We live organically for health reasons, so for us, only natural waste goes into the compost.
  • Vegetables
  • Plant materials from your landscaping if you do not use pesticides or chemicals
  • Trimming from your trees
  • Straw or hay from animal stalls
  • Worms!!!

What you do NOT want in your compost bin

  • Meat
  • Any food cooked with oil
  • Vegetation that has been sprayed for pests or artificial nutrients
  • Plastic
  • Painted wood pieces
  • Colored newspaper or magazines
  • Anything else that is not natural and organic.

Next you need to know what to place your compost material in:

A compost bin can be any place that you can pile your waste, to a container designed specifically to speed up the process of decomposition. You can use a large bowl from your kitchen, collect the scraps and then daily, or every couple of days, place them outside in an open air wood structure, or you can opt in for a tumbler that you rotate every couple of days. You can go on line, to your local garden store or even to your local Home Depot, Lowes or hardware store like Ace Hardwar or True Value. There are also farm stores that can help you if you really want to get fancy. How long will it take to turn your compost into black gold? That depends upon the material being composted, the balance of the components being composted and the size. Moisture is the primary determiner of the rate of decomposition. Making your compost a happy healthy place for worms will help increase the rate of decomposition.

Finally, How do you use the "black gold" to your advantage?

The basic use is to add nutritional value (fertilizer) to the soil of what you are growing. By placing the compost on top of the planter or in the garden, it will add nutrients and beneficial soil bacteria. There is a wide range of specific uses for compost, and to answer all of your specific questions there is a quick and easy answer. Ask Questions.

Now that you have compost, ask the nursery, look online and ask your neighbor who grows the same things that you are looking to grow, as long as they are successful.

Compost is "Black Gold" when you use it wisely as an investment in your plants health. Some plants need more and some not so much. Choose according to what the plants health tells you and again, ask questions.

We have shared with you what to place in your compost pile, what to place it in, as well as how to use it. Place this information into action, and start growing great vegetables, fruits and plants that will be the envy of your neighbors!

Learn more about aquaculture and organic farming by visiting us at Also if you want to make more you money with organic farming you can click here pick up our free e-book "4 Ways To Increase Your Organic Farming Profits To Pay For Dream Home"

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