Saturday, January 12, 2013

Preparing Your Garden For Spring

Preparing Your Garden For Spring

Preparing Your Garden For Spring
By Louise Fisher

Different plants will require different treatment during the winter months and some may need to be left alone during the winter months. When it comes to a flower such as the rose many professional gardeners will recommend they are trimmed and cut during the height of winter. Roses will appear brighter and healthier if they are trimmed but if trimmed when the roses begin to grow they may wither. In addition to the rose many other plants will require your attention at this time. Winter causes a lot of damage to plants and when the damage appears you need to repair the plants and ensuring they are ready to grow come April.

Lawns are often a centrepiece for many gardens and if the grass does not look vibrant and healthy then the rest of the garden will seem just a bit of a drab. One of the first jobs with the lawn involves clearing the winter rubbish from your grass. The rubbish occurs as it drains all of the excess water. By simply raking the grass air and sunlight will be able to hit the first layer of soil, sparking it into life. The harsh winter months always has an effect on grass leaving many gardens with dead patches and by reseeding a repair process can be ignited. When reseeding there is a great importance placed around being generous but also conservative. To do reseed sufficiently there you need to make sure seeds are spread evenly and each part of the grass is getting enough seeds for healthy growth.

Flower beds can often be a challenge during these months but if you prepared correctly in the run up to the winter then you can be at ease. Any mulch which may have been spread over the flower bed beforehand will need removing for the same reason rubbish needs removing from patches of grass. The surface around each flower bed will need turning up so foo drainage and growth will be possible on the ground. Compost will probably be required as the current soil may not be providing the right nutrients for growth and by adding new compost or manure you can be assured the flowers will look amazing come June.

January is also a great time to decide whether or not vegetables will be present in the garden this year this year and by deciding now vegetables and seeds will be ready for the growth stage of the year. Deciding whether to grow vegetables later on in the year is another common error as time will be running out and the end product will not be as big and juicy as possible. There are many benefits to preparing your garden at this time of year and you may also enjoy it so why not don the garden gloves and get stuck into your garden.

By using garden bird seed wholesalers Bonnington Plastics as a resource, Louise Fisher was able to write effectively in this article about gardening in the spring. She always uses real life information to improve the quality of her articles because there is no better information.

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