3 Reasons Why Your Garden Appliances Will Hinder Your Garden
By Mike J Younger
Your garden is an extension of your home, and your chance to express your personality with the help of nature. Whether you're after cascading water features, flowerbeds bursting with colour all year round or a pristine lawn surrounded by a few pots and decking - all can be achieved.
Achieving the garden you're after and maintaining it however are two different things, and key to maintaining your desired garden is having the right garden appliances available - and in full working condition. Unfortunately, general wear and tear combined with irregular / poor maintenance can result in your appliances developing faults.
Below, are 3 of the most common garden appliance faults you're likely to experience this summer - as well as solutions to rectifying them for little outlay.
Lawnmower - A Blunt Blade:
The lawnmower blade may seem like a strong component of your mower, but it is susceptible to damage. The most common cause of damage to your lawnmower blade is it becoming blunt due to coming into contact with debris, such as stones/rocks which are hidden in your lawn, or edging of your garden.
As your lawnmower blade becomes blunt the cut of your lawn will be reduced, and instead of a neat slice being achieved, the individual blades of grass will become torn. This in itself will not only lead to your lawn looking untidy, but also increases the risk of your lawn become infected by weeds and other ailments.
We recommend that a couple of times during the mowing season (which traditionally runs between March and October) you give your blade a once over. If there are any signs of it becoming damaged, blunt or chipped you should sharpen it - and this can easily be done at home. Alternatively, if this seems like too much hassle, purchase a replacement lawnmower blade and fit this.
Grass Trimmer - Feed Line Issues:
Frequent line breakage on your grass trimmer is usually a result of the cutting head being too close to objects, such as walls and steps, when it is in use. This prevents the line from rotating freely and results in the line snapping.
No matter how hard you try, your grass trimmer's line will invariably snap at some point during the summer. But there are a number of steps which you can take to make sure it doesn't happen every time you trim the edges of your lawn, including:
- Keeping the head of your trimmer as clean as possible. Dirt and debris can build up and clog the line feed mechanism, increasing the risk of the line snapping.
- If buying line rather than fitting a replacement spool and line, take care wrapping it. You need to make sure you don't cross the line over itself. Crossing the line can increase the risk of jams and line becoming lost.
- Not trimming for longer periods of time, this is likely to result in the spool getting hot and the line sticking together, increasing the risk of it snapping.
- Making sure the trimmer line is kept at the correct length - and this should be roughly 10mm.
Pressure Washer - Running on Low Pressure:
If your pressure washer is emitting low pressure, it won't be providing the cleaning power you'd expect. Unfortunately, pressure washers emitting low pressure is not an uncommon fault, but it is relatively straightforward to rectify.
First, check for any kinks, leaks or blockages which may have formed in your garden hose or pressure washer's hose. If no kinks/blockages/leaks are detected, check your water is turned on full force and supplying the correct amount of water. Only once you've checked these areas should you check your pressure washer.
It's recommended you first check your pressure washer's water inlet filter to ensure it is free from debris and the trigger gun/nozzles, again making sure these are free from debris / blockages.
Should all of these areas be OK, yet your pressure washer is still running on low pressure, you may have air trapped in the pump. This can be rectified by bleeding the pressure washer. Don't worry, whilst this may sound tricky, in reality it should be no more difficult than bleeding your radiators.
To bleed your pressure washer, you follow the steps below...
- 1) Turn off the appliance and disconnect the high pressure hose and trigger gun
- 2) With only the garden hose connected, turn on your water supply and allow water to run through the pump for up to 30 seconds
- 3) Turn off the water, reconnect the high pressure hose and trigger gun, and try to use the machine again
By keeping on top of your garden appliances, you stand more chance of keeping your garden in tip-top shape, not only during the summer but throughout the year.
Keep your garden in shape throughout the year, with the help of BuySpares. We stock a range of spare parts and accessories for gardening equipment; and the BuySpares blog is full of handy hints, advice and tips.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_J_Younger
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