Blossom-End Rot Disease - Damage to Your Garden Vegetables and Tomatoes!
By Cheryl L Palmer
Blossom-End Rot is a common problem caused by a calcium imbalance which may occur in tomatoes, peppers, squash, cucumbers and melons. The problem is indicated by a water-soaked area at the blossom end of the plant. Blossom-End Rot is a physiological condition caused by lack of calcium from the soil causing the tissues on the blossom end to break down. It usually starts with a wet growing season then the damaged area dries out over time as the produce is growing. Blossom-End Rot usually appears when the fruit or vegetable is one-third to one- half its full size. The damaged, water-soaked area turns brown to black with lesions and a leathery appearance. The lesions can be small or take up to one-half the size of the produce.
Although the disease does not spread from plant to plant, it is dependent on environmental conditions. As a physiological condition, neither fungicides nor insecticides will control this disease. However, environmental conditions can eliminate the condition:
• Consistent water and calcium intake, and avoiding drought conditions.
• Do not cultivate close to the roots, since destroying their root systems limits the roots' ability to supply adequate water and nutrients to the plant resulting in Blossom-End Rot.
• Excessive soluble salt which causes a decrease in the availability of calcium as salt increases.
Factors that can limit a plant's ability to absorb calcium required for proper growth include fluctuations in moisture (either too wet or too dry), an excess of nitrogen in the soil, root damage during cultivation, and a soil pH that's too high or low, or cold soil and soil high in salts.
To reduce risk of Blossom-End Rot:
• Plant in well-drained, adequately aerated soil.
• Maintain adequate soil water, at least 1-2 times a week during dry spells to a depth of 6 inches. Tomato plants need about 1.5 inches of water per week when growing fruit.
• Always ensure the soil is warm enough prior to planting, to reduce nutrient loss.
• Using fertilizers that are low in nitrogen and high in phosphorous provide the nutrients needed for proper growth. A fertilizer high in superphosphate, such as 4-12-4 or 5-2-50. However, applying too much fertilizer can cause the plant to grow too fast inhibiting the calcium from moving through the plant quickly enough.
• Watering cones can be used to ensure water reaches the roots.
• Applying mulch minimizes evaporation and helps maintain consistent soil moisture.
Utilizing these techniques to identify Blossom-End Rot quickly and minimize the damage immediately will safeguard your produce!
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