Where Do Mosquitoes Hide? Mosquito Control and Protection Basics
By Peter Nisbet
Where do mosquitoes hide in your yard? Mosquito control basics 101 includes knowing your enemy: where they hide in your garden or yard and then how to tackle them in their own environment. You can spray your entire backyard with mosquito repellant, but it will not have a lasting effect if you don't know where they are hiding from you!
Before understanding their habits, you must first understand them. When are they most active and where do they go at other times. Where do they go at night, or even during the day when it rains or it is hot? What type of weather do mosquitoes like and where do they hide when the weather doesn't suit them? We are not going to discuss entomology here, but the tips we provide are valid nonetheless.
Where do Mosquitoes Hide
Mosquitoes do not like cold weather. They are insects, and therefore cold-blooded. They like warm weather, as much as 80 degrees or over, and cannot function properly below 50 degrees. Some species appear to thrive in Alaska and Siberia, but you should only be concerned with the species indigenous to your area.
They are attracted initially by the carbon dioxide you breathe out and the chemicals in your sweat. They can be attracted from up to 75 feet away. They then home in on you by your body heat. Dark clothing absorbs and retains heat, so wear light colors during mosquito season.
Apart from that, where do they hide when you cannot see them? That's what's important to you if you are trying to control them around your home. The answer to that is fundamentally anywhere they feel safe and comfortable. They like shade and humidity rather than bright sunlight. That's why you tend not to see them during the day, but more in early morning and dusk - though this is not a hard and fast rule!
Long grass and extensive shrubbery are popular, as are the underside of the leaves of bushes, trees and other plants. They also tend to hide on the underside of open drainpipes, in barns and open sheds - in fact anywhere that they are not exposed to the sun and the conditions are warm, dank, humid and preferably still. They abhor winds.
How to Control Mosquitoes: Misting Systems
By knowing where they hide it is possible to control mosquitoes by selectively spraying these areas. If you know of an area in your yard where these insects tend to congregate during the day and night, then a good spray with mosquito repellant will control them temporarily. However, you will never get them all, and one female can lay up to 300 eggs every 3-4 days during her 6-8 week lifespan.
What you need is as near to a catch-all solution as you can get. A misting system generates a mist of insecticide, usually permethrin, which coats the underside of foliage and other areas where mosquitoes hide.This lasts 3 weeks, after which it is reapplied. There are automatic mosquito misting systems available to effect maximum control over extended periods.
Where do mosquitoes hide? That might be a good question, but what do you do once you have the answer? As stressed above, these insects hide anywhere out of bright sunlight and winds, preferably in warm and humid conditions. By identifying such areas in your yard, carrying out an initial zapping session with a mosquito spray, and then maintaining control with a mosquito control misting system, you will have the best chance of keeping your yard or garden free of these annoying, and often dangerous, insects.
If you know where mosquitoes go outside of their normal biting periods, then you will find it easier to eradicate therm from your yard. So where do mosquitoes hide in your yard? You can find answers to this question and detailed information on how to control them on the Mr. Mister website at http://www.mrmr.biz
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Nisbet
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