Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Choosing the Right Shed for Your Garden

Choosing the Right Shed for Your Garden

Choosing the Right Shed for Your Garden
By Jamie Gorst

Whilst you may not live in the shed, you will use it to store important tools and outdoor machinery. Perhaps you cannot initially see how a bit of rain can do much more than make a nuisance of itself, but if left you will soon realise the real devastation and havoc it can wreak on your garden tools if you do not protect them adequately from water damage. Investing wisely in your garden shed, whether you choose the shiplap style (the preferred and most weather resistant but not the cheapest) or the tongue and groove style (which has its own benefits, including the price, but is not as hardy and resilient as the aforementioned), is the best protection you can give your outdoor tools.

Why the shiplap cladding for your shed is the most sought after is down to the sheer beauty of the perfectly formed material. Each piece of wood has a fine groove within it and when the cladding is applied properly this helps the water to be funnelled away, ensuring none can burrow its way into the shed. The water does not get the chance to enter the shed and so everything that is stored inside is perfectly safe and protected. That is as long as you have a shed door that fits well!

There are many DIY'ers that bodge repairs on their sheds and shed doors rather than consider replacing them. This may work temporarily but really they are just inviting trouble because water, as you know, can find its way into every little nook and cranny and if you don't check the contents of your garden shed on a regular basis it can be a month or more before you realise that water has been seeping in through the door you thought you had fixed, totally destroying or rusting up the contents inside. This may not be a problem for inexpensive items, like a pair of garden shears, but for larger item, such as lawn mowers, it can be a costly mistake to make.

The best shed to invest in is one with shiplap cladding, but as this can be the most expensive option, you could choose the tongue and groove. This is a bit cheaper and it does an excellent job and can last a long time if you maintain it well.

Sheds do have to be maintained regularly to ensure they keep their water repellent nature. This should not be looked on as a chore, but as a work of love. Looking after your garden shed, whatever its design, will pay dividends, not only as a way of caring for your other tools and gardening equipment, but it will also add value to your house, which is very important when it is time to sell.

Visit my website for more great gardening advice or view our range of gardening tools, sheds and much more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jamie_Gorst

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